

Drawing something 310625, so full

family came over to Fukuoka for a visit, had been eating alot with them lately......


Drawing Somehting 130621.... It's this day again~

                        It like usual, still have not much different at all after all these years~~


Drawing something 130620 weird system.....

Well, recently the studio FORCE the worker go back home at 9:00pm,
this sound not pretty bad i think... since this studio for some unknown reason just keep
working over night....
but here a problem.   this earliest time u can get to the studio is at 5:00 am
(normally start work at 8:15)

people tend to start going early to studio (like 5:30ish or 6ish)...
then what is the god damn different between i work over night or i went early to work.....


What ever~ Just go back to draw something! 130618

Haven't been up for YEARS!! (well i actually upload something on my chinese blog anyway haven't drawn for so long after finding this crazy animator job in Japan. Just want to keep rolling around for awhile and see how far i can keep up to. see u guys around, if anybody looking at this blog.....