

Now on sale~~

(but i think i can't get the game until friday...orz



1 day left!\O[]O/

(this one actually drew very very bad....
need to fix up later.....=_=)



2 days left~~~~~~
just got Tales of Heart today~
(of course is buying the Anime version~~
wonder who will bought the CG version?? DIE HARD FANS??
but even DIE HARD Fans like me can't stand for those 3D render characters......
just TOO ODD!!!)



4 days left!!!!

look like i am start adding more and more characters......=_=



Finally catch up with the exact day~XDDD

oil pastal is kind of easy to use painter~~
maybe try to explore some other brush~~
5 day's left~~~~~


6 days left~~~

Cloud and Sepphiroth is a set~~XD
for some unknown reason draw the chaso side too~XD

painter still god damn hard to use.......
simple water kind of have a feeling of in-control~
but there still alot of problem.......




Painter still very hard to use....orz
what is Resat??? what is Bleed???????and what is Grain??????
how all those brush work?????????/Q[]Q\

6 days left actually~



8 Days to go~~

Painter is god damn hard to use~~
trying out all the oil brush type brush this time~
and totally don't know what i am doing.......

chalk and pastel type is more easy to handle........

wondering how to use those watercolour brush....OWO

still need some more time to work on it.................................



9 more days~~ (actually is already 8 days right now...OWO)

i was almost reach the 9 day mark~
but when i almost done~
Painter crush~~
and i need to did all over again...._TO



long time no see~

haven't up here for more than a month...
because is busying doing other stuff~
and finally is settle~
and i can draw back my own stuff again~~

10 more days for DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY out!!!!
(actually is already 9 days right now....Orz)

anyway good luck everyone~~


Late Happy Halloween~~=w=|||

last year is final sec Halloween....

this year is totally a late Halloween.......=_=

but if u guys count the western side~
i still have at least half of the Halloween day rolling~~~XDDD

Wish everyone have a Happy Halloween~~


hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... what's next??

long time no up~
haven't done any finish stuff dueing this month~

working on storyboard and story board in the studio~

(even though i wanted to do more costume design~Q_Q)

this month feel very busy~

always don't have time to do own stuff~

cannot even have a night to play video game~
i really wanted to do somekind of animation~~~
haven't done this for a long time~
doing boards is very boring to me......

wanted to finish something~~

and want to CREATE something other than just purly drawing and drawing~

how about let's think of a story????

(but the way i think story is kind of slow.....Orz

really finding myself lacking of speed on working anything~

look like everything only have knowlegde~

and not really good at it at all~~

I always aimming to become a all arounder~

but am i really turn out to be everything know part of it and not good at part of it??????

(is there a word for this type of people???)


recently working on a wired project during this pass week~

100 CHARACTERS drawing~XD

try to drew out all the characters i have created so far in my life~
right now is just 30 somethings~
and i already out of space on my paper~XD
already see alot of repeated look of characters...........
let's start to work on something~

anyway have a nice day everybody~


finding a way to balance....

still looking for a way of working and still can work on own stuff at the same day~
kind of busy the next few months~
need to study the Japanese test, need to draw something for somebody, work, WANT to do more 3D~

my probation period is almost done~~
i need to hand in a self evalution tomorrow~~
what should i score myself?
they hiring me as a illustrator~
but the main goal is more like to become a storyboard artist~
but at last i work more like a concept artist and didn't do any storyboard related stuff during the pass month and a half...................
did i still met the expectation????
i think i did a fine job in every other part~
(like concept drawing, texturing and stuff~)

i kind of enjoying doing the costume design the Hello Kitty Online stuff~
i kind of got good feedback from the game side~

but i am suppose hired by the animation side..........OwO

right now need to do like 40 new costume for HKO~
(well separated with the other illustrator in animation team~)

i think is kind of fun to do that~
can really drew what ever pop up~
but isn't i suppose wanted to improve my 3D skill????????



Code Geass R2-THE END- and Jam Project~


i hope people knew who am i drawing just B/W~

Code Geass finally ended~
and the next one Gundam 00 season2 is on air right now~

i still felt something missing~
just feel nothing to look forward every SUNDAY!!!!/O[]O\

the ending is GOOD, GREAT and i believe this is the BEST way to ended this master pieces!!!!
(i won't said anything about the ending even all the Code Geass Fan already knew~~)

but it just................


there is still some more side story or side character we can talk about~
which in Code Geass 谷口角 made a good job~
to cover EVERY SINGLE characters in the story~
(who can imagine that Nina at last can turn out something BIG at the end???)

but R2.....................
maybe just a bit RUSH~

maybe they focus too much on Lulu???
(well, he is the main guy of course~)

so i hope there will be somekind of movie verison or like special edition or director cut of R2~

to just fill up all the gips~
(or we only can see it from the novel version?
i read like the first one, first 2 chapters~
it's talk about Nunnally at the beginning~
like some lost epsoide outside of the anime~

let see~

also yestery~
i went to the concert of JAM PROJECT!
one of the most famous anime song making band~
(their most famous song is came from Super Robot Wars series~)

they came to HK as part of there NO BORDER World Tour~

that is just TOO HOT!!!

yesterday is JUST TOO GREAT!!!

even though some of the song i don't really knew~
but they sing most of the song i want to hear~
like HEATS, 紅ノ牙,牙狼, 鋼のメシア、SKILL, ROCKS, GONG, BREAK OUT~...etc~

it just a HOT NIGHT!!!!!

can't explain with word of how HOT is that concert~
(even though the worst part is the song is very bad~
especially when they singing the theme song of SRW Z~
i hope the originzation can made something at the future~

also today~

I Bought the Ticket of Inoran concert!!! (Luna sea Guitist~~)
and Inoran will come at Nov.21!!

let us look forward this special night!!!


Code Geass R2 Finally came to a end!

Nunnally vi Britannia (ナナリー・ヴィ・ブリタニア)

Code Geass R2 had been ended~
It is still very COOL~
no matter is the character and the storyline~

but just.................

I just think the story flow move too fast at a sudden~

a lot characters have no idea where they went after the battle~
i hope there will be a lot of bonus feather at the DVD and Blu-ray~

谷口!!!just made a Code Geass Movie version!!

just like Kurren Ragann~~

I don't mind u didn't change anything at all!!!
just made a BONUS or SUM UP ending!!!

i believed the season 1 have a good flow to every character~

i guess this story need 3 seasons to really make everything smooth and clear~
since the season 2 really just focus everything on Lelouch~(well, he is the main character of course he deserve that~~)

but the Code Geass really can cover every single character~
even the most minor one like Tamaki!!!(玉城)

but this time~
even one of the Knight of Round doesn't have a line in the WHOLE ANIME!!!
the Knight of Nine Nonette Enneagram (ノネット・エニアグラム)~
she appears in the PS2/PSP game Lost Color in kind of a main role~
but is totally disappear in Code Geass R2???/O[]O\

i thought she will have something to do with the story, that's why she has a lot of appearance in the game~~~

just the battle between the way to reach the world already take at least 26 eps to do it~

i guess 谷口 (Goro Taniguchi) and 大河內 (Ichiro Okouchi) ran too fast at the final 8 epsoides~~

maybe sunrise force them to make a season 3~
but 谷口 don't want to do it???
so he speeds up everything??????


Code Geass still is my favourite anime in 2007 and 2008~~~
Lelouch already became my top 3 male characters in my list!XD

Nunnally also became one of my favourite sister on my list too~XDDD

this is such a great piece during this pass 10 years!!

but i still believe there is a lot of thing can be done to get to the end!
maybe the novel or comic will fill in the grip~


that's all~
let's see what the next anime to watch!

enjoy and have fun~


Code Geass R2


3 more epsoide left~

how will Lelouch take over the world???
will Lelouch really create a Happy world???
will there a HAPPY ENDING????
(well. i guess not....)
how will 谷口 surprise us again~~
let's look forward to Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ R2!XDDDD


Working~Practicing~Try to Improving~Unlimited HelloKitty Working...._|TO

Let post some stuff again~
don't know am i trying anything~
i try to work more on my colour and rendering skill and all the others skill........_TO
(still not good enough.....)

that's why start from own character~XDDDD
Heaven OR Hell Main character Lucifer~XD

after finish this...........
i think i should add some more props for him....
(since this design is aim for animation at the beginning....
so nothing much prop and cool stuff around him........
maybe work on it again........)

still working on Hello Kitty TV~
right now is Layout and texturing~
kind of pretty than just doing storyboard~

i realized that i haven't draw any BG stuff for so long......
just keep drawing characters.........
i actually very enjoy drawing the Hello Kitty online stuff~
(since i just design costume for avators in the game~
is kind of fun, i mainly did all the country costume of the game~XD)
i am searching a way of not drinking any coffee kind of stuff can still stay awake at work.....=_=


easy to fall a sleep....
anyone? any suggestion???? (my studio got unlimited Coke and Orange juices~~
but i don't want to have a coke everyday.....)
after begin working....
not much time to work on own stuff~
wake up at 7pm > came back home at 9ish pm (since is far away from my home~)

after dinner and stuff~
only have like 2~3 hrs to do own work~

i think i never hard that hard before.........=_=
not even at school time.....

since i am like a very slow drawing sucker~(i always wish one day i can draw fast like in 5 mins everything is rough out......_TO)
colour and stuff like taking forever~
and slept like around 2 something am~
and wake up at 7~ (cycle repeat~)

(Unknown person: that's why u always fall a sleep at work~~)

still have no time for 3D~
i take even more time for that.........
(unlike drawing after drawing for an hour at least u can see something coming~
but 3D..... not spending 5 hrs~
nothing come out........)
maybe try Z-Brush to mess around~

i finished my BS~
have fun and enjoy everybody~\OwO


Code Geass R2 and something other things happen~

Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ R2

Schneizel el Britannia (シュナイゼル・エル・ブリタニア)

it's already been 20 Eposide~
and this story get more and more interesting and right now more and more mystery is start to be clear~(or i should said even more BLURY??XD)

Lelouch still struggle for his way of revenge with his Father King of Britannia~

but at the other hand the Second Prince Schneizel el Britannia~
are also have some big action during this battle~

what is this White Prince Schneizel really want to do in this battle???
this character so far is a mystery~
other than we knew he knew very well of all the members of the family~
and he got strategy and skillful in the politics~
always has a confident smile on his face~

look like every step is under his expectation and plan~
(except the scene of Euphemia became "Massacre Princess" , that's is the only time we saw he feel shock~)

but what he really want from this battle????
if he just want to become a KING~

I think he just did way too much for that~
he must be aiming for something more special~~

i don't want him to be like Final Fantasy XII last boss: Vayne~
after all those skillful speeches and tactic to get the heart from the people~
but his final goal is just to TAKE OVER THE WORLD????
that's too simple~XD
i wish for something more special if he is doing that much~~~

if Schneizel just want to fool his father and brother Lelouch around for the battle~
and prove that just using strategy is good enough to take over the world~
and said to both of them "SCREW U~ KISS MY AsS~~XDDD"
i will totally buy it!XDD

let see what 谷口 will give us what kind of surprise again~

haven't updated for a long time~

a lot of things happen during the pass and this month~

the opening is just SO GREAT~
and the China did very WELL~ 51 GOLD man~

got a job in Hong Kong~(working almost a month and a half
hiring as a illustrator, at the beginning is more like storyboard artist~

(but i am kind of enjoy doing costume design for the Hello Kitty Online~)

Grandma pass away...........
pls rest in pass~
pls forgive this useless grandson cannot really do anything for you..........

after having a job~
i found out that i draw more stuff then before~

(since i am the type of person if i got tons of time to do one things, i will choice relaxing~
but if i got somekind of things to do~
i will choice to draw my own stuff............... but habbit~)

right now is kind of studying the FAMOUS Street Fighters artist Akiman style of drawing~
(actually is his rough pen drawing stuff~)

try to do something like him that can quickly and fast got a sketch out~
may try to post thing everyday~
(of course not a complete coloured drawing but like a clean rough~
i need to practice more and more~)

still very lazy on doing 3D stuff.......
but i need to~

kind of have some interest of working on Zbrush~

look like a very cool tools to use~

will see what happen~

have fun and good luck~OWO/


小島!Kojima!!コジマ!!!MGS4 World Tour 2008 at Hong Kong 小島秀夫香港簽名會~

MGS4 World Tour 2008 at Hong Kong 小島秀夫香港簽名會~p@[]@q


OLD Snake

Enterance of the Dragon Center~

The Stage

FANS around the stage just want to see Kojima監督~

At the beginning~
the show begin with introducing the Metal Gear Online Keyman 松花 和賢~

unfortuately the bad MC and asshole translater really did a poor on job on this event~
especially the translater miss translate part of Mr. 松花 words when he descirbing the SOP system in MGO~

松花 mentioned about the MGO SOP system is exactly like MGS4 Meryl and her men sharing the same senses and allow them doing the right move in the battle field, and the MGO online will carry this element too~

but the translater translate that the red is the enemies and the blue is your teammate~(which this part is what Mr. 松花 will mentioned after his translation~)

Then after finishing about the MGO~
is finally the MAN is coming out~

which is what all WE ARE WAITING FOR!!!

小島秀夫 Kojima Hedio 監督

Kojima監督(White shirt on left) Shigawa老師 (Black on the right)


When Kojima監督 and Shigawa appears~
i was gone crazy and scream like a crazy fans girl~=_=

松花 and 菊地由美小姐 (Raging Beauty)

especially when i called out 新川~
he responses to me!!!/@[]@/
(since i am in the front row~)

All 4 of them~

After 小島監督 introduce a bit and he started to talk about he loves to watch movie~
and said 70% is movie~ and the other 30%~

it's Hong Kong Movie!
(then the fans just start cheering~)
and he starts to mention about some famous actor and director names of HK movie~
(but the asshole translater hurried our 小島監督~ and I saw Kojima looks at the translater with a questioned look~)

also 小島監督 has mentioned about the Asia Game show in Hong Kong during Dec~
and he may interested to attend it~

this is such a great news to us and the whole HK fans go CRAZY~

Then is the Lucky draw present time~

The prize~
T-shirt, figure, toys, the most biggest one~
signed PS3 and 12" Snake figure~

The Lucky guy who won the PS3 from Kojima監督

at last the autograph session~

( I was planning to let them sign the following....)
but at last i choice to talk to them instead giving them sign this~
since at beginning the organzation said 小島監督 only sign the offical poster of the event~
(but at last they changed the decision or i guess is Kojima監督 want to do it to the fans~

i will get their sign anyway~
so i decided to talk to them about how thanksful of 小島監督 and 新川洋司 have created this series~ (of course is in Japanese~XD)

but i am over excited when i see 小島監督 and 新川洋司, so when i came up to 菊地由美~
i cannot come up with anything......... sorry about that...._TO

at last this is the poster got signed

other people signed poster and MGS product sharing:

moment of Kojima Hideo, Shigawa Yuji, Kikuchi Yumi and the staff leave~

(sorry about the blurry..... since my head is shaking........-_-

Kojima Hideo, Shigawa Yuji, Kikuchi Yumi and the staff is AMAZINGLY COOL~

but the organization that prepare this event is SUCK!
Totally disrepected Kojima Production team and make Hong Kong lose faces~

the organization prepare very bad for the events~
especially for the autograph session number part~

there is actually two groups who can get sign~
one is the group which have used $200 buying stuff in the mall to get the first entry pass and the game of MGS4 (but u only can pick it up on July 14.....)for the event before July 10~

the other group is lineup before during the day of the event~

since i REALLY want to get the front row and the autograph~

so i decided to use the paying money method to make sure i will have a higher chances to see my MAIN MAN~ 小島監督 and 新川洋司

this is the prove~

but the organzation for sure didn't prepare well enough and mess up the number system~
(if we are the first entry group, we should getting the number from 001, but the truth is we got from 13X, i got 157~ and the 001 is headed over to the lineup people)

(when at 2:00pm something, they are REHEARSALLING in front of the FANS~)

after this poor prepare event.............
i am very worry that Kojima監督 won't come to visit the AGS during Dec as he mention on the yesterday....

but no matter what~

i am still VERY HAPPY about getting the autograph and dogtag from the event~
have a chances to see my Role model and have a chance to talk to them~
even though only i am the one to speak only..... 新川老師 kind of shock when he heard me speak Japanese, and 小島監督 was happy when he hear my thanksful speech and saw my Card Box MGS4 T-shirt~
i was TOO STUPID for like just stood there smile like crazy and totally forgot to ask him just sign on the T -shirt!!!/Q[]Q/
(i think 小島監督 was trying to do it but i don't get the message since i am too excitied of just looking at him and shaking his hand~~/Q[]Q\)

once again! this already made me happy~
i think i can die anytime after this~

小島監督!!!(and the Kojima Production staffs)PLS FORGIVE US!!!!!!