
Code Geass R2 Finally came to a end!

Nunnally vi Britannia (ナナリー・ヴィ・ブリタニア)

Code Geass R2 had been ended~
It is still very COOL~
no matter is the character and the storyline~

but just.................

I just think the story flow move too fast at a sudden~

a lot characters have no idea where they went after the battle~
i hope there will be a lot of bonus feather at the DVD and Blu-ray~

谷口!!!just made a Code Geass Movie version!!

just like Kurren Ragann~~

I don't mind u didn't change anything at all!!!
just made a BONUS or SUM UP ending!!!

i believed the season 1 have a good flow to every character~

i guess this story need 3 seasons to really make everything smooth and clear~
since the season 2 really just focus everything on Lelouch~(well, he is the main character of course he deserve that~~)

but the Code Geass really can cover every single character~
even the most minor one like Tamaki!!!(玉城)

but this time~
even one of the Knight of Round doesn't have a line in the WHOLE ANIME!!!
the Knight of Nine Nonette Enneagram (ノネット・エニアグラム)~
she appears in the PS2/PSP game Lost Color in kind of a main role~
but is totally disappear in Code Geass R2???/O[]O\

i thought she will have something to do with the story, that's why she has a lot of appearance in the game~~~

just the battle between the way to reach the world already take at least 26 eps to do it~

i guess 谷口 (Goro Taniguchi) and 大河內 (Ichiro Okouchi) ran too fast at the final 8 epsoides~~

maybe sunrise force them to make a season 3~
but 谷口 don't want to do it???
so he speeds up everything??????


Code Geass still is my favourite anime in 2007 and 2008~~~
Lelouch already became my top 3 male characters in my list!XD

Nunnally also became one of my favourite sister on my list too~XDDD

this is such a great piece during this pass 10 years!!

but i still believe there is a lot of thing can be done to get to the end!
maybe the novel or comic will fill in the grip~


that's all~
let's see what the next anime to watch!

enjoy and have fun~


Code Geass R2


3 more epsoide left~

how will Lelouch take over the world???
will Lelouch really create a Happy world???
will there a HAPPY ENDING????
(well. i guess not....)
how will 谷口 surprise us again~~
let's look forward to Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ R2!XDDDD


Working~Practicing~Try to Improving~Unlimited HelloKitty Working...._|TO

Let post some stuff again~
don't know am i trying anything~
i try to work more on my colour and rendering skill and all the others skill........_TO
(still not good enough.....)

that's why start from own character~XDDDD
Heaven OR Hell Main character Lucifer~XD

after finish this...........
i think i should add some more props for him....
(since this design is aim for animation at the beginning....
so nothing much prop and cool stuff around him........
maybe work on it again........)

still working on Hello Kitty TV~
right now is Layout and texturing~
kind of pretty than just doing storyboard~

i realized that i haven't draw any BG stuff for so long......
just keep drawing characters.........
i actually very enjoy drawing the Hello Kitty online stuff~
(since i just design costume for avators in the game~
is kind of fun, i mainly did all the country costume of the game~XD)
i am searching a way of not drinking any coffee kind of stuff can still stay awake at work.....=_=


easy to fall a sleep....
anyone? any suggestion???? (my studio got unlimited Coke and Orange juices~~
but i don't want to have a coke everyday.....)
after begin working....
not much time to work on own stuff~
wake up at 7pm > came back home at 9ish pm (since is far away from my home~)

after dinner and stuff~
only have like 2~3 hrs to do own work~

i think i never hard that hard before.........=_=
not even at school time.....

since i am like a very slow drawing sucker~(i always wish one day i can draw fast like in 5 mins everything is rough out......_TO)
colour and stuff like taking forever~
and slept like around 2 something am~
and wake up at 7~ (cycle repeat~)

(Unknown person: that's why u always fall a sleep at work~~)

still have no time for 3D~
i take even more time for that.........
(unlike drawing after drawing for an hour at least u can see something coming~
but 3D..... not spending 5 hrs~
nothing come out........)
maybe try Z-Brush to mess around~

i finished my BS~
have fun and enjoy everybody~\OwO