18 Days more to go~~~~~ Final Fantasy XIII~~
Macross Crossover銀河系最大級の演唱會!!Day 2 (Oct 18, 09) Live Report 序
但是既然一場來到~就八掛一下用一些偏門的方法~看看還有沒有這個一連兩天銀河系最大級演唱會Macross Crossover的票~
最後~居然讓在下在一間"大黑屋"(這是店名)裡找到了Oct 18, 星期日的門票~~~
那在下當然不會錯過能一睹與親耳聽在下的瘋狂迷戀的動畫作品~與在下最喜愛的歌姬~林明美(飯島 真理)的真人演出~(福山,May'n與中島 愛這些還是當打之年,所以聽的機會多的是~~但是飯島 真理會再做明美的機會絕對會是一次一次的小,因為某程度上飯島不太喜歡背著Macross 林明美的名宇表演~只是近年可能思想越來越成熟,所以跟明美和解~
傳說之歌姬 リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)
震撼銀河的Rock魂 熱気バサラ(福山芳樹)
(左起)超時空灰姑娘 ランカ・リー(中島愛), 銀河之妖精 シェリル・ノーム(May'n), 銀河之可愛歌姬 ミレーヌ・ジーナス(チエ・カジウラ)
シェリル的cos~ (其實現場還有3個ランカ跟4~5個シェリル,不過在下當時正在排隊沒有拍到)
會場內(在下沒有任何zoom in下與舞台的位置,size大概是香港博覽館開一半台左右)
由Macross F的銀河之妖精 シェリル・ノーム(May'n)開始
1.ノーザンクロス (May'n)
2.射手座☆午後九時Don't be late (May'n)
3.pink monsoon (新曲) (May'n)
超時空灰姑娘 ランカ・リー(中島愛)登場
4.そうだよ (新曲)
(中島愛)5.アナタノオト (中島愛)
6.星間飛行 (中島愛)
Surprise May'n的20歲Happy birthday to You 嘉賓聲優シェリル(遠藤綾)登場
7.ダイアモンドクレバス50/50 (May'n&中島愛)
8.トライアングラー (May'n&中島愛)
9.ライオン (May'n&中島愛)
傳說之歌姬 リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)
10.エコーズ (飯島真理)
11.好きと言えない (飯島真理)
12.Twinkles (飯島真理)
真正リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)演唱!!! (髮型更是特別製造出動畫リン・ミンメイ的髮型~pQ[]Qq 感動~~~)
13.私の彼はパイロット (飯島真理)
14.0-G Love (飯島真理)
15.ランナー (飯島真理)
16.シンデレラ (飯島真理)
[MC]因可有記起愛作曲人加藤和彥老師在Oct 16日中因病自殺,飯島對這名恩師的感謝與祝福~
17.愛・おぼえていますか (飯島真理) (在下最感動的一刻,終於可以現場聽到真人明美自彈自唱的愛・おぼえていますか,同場更來個愛・おぼえていますか大合唱~)
特別嘉賓Macross Plus:
18.VOICES (新居昭乃)
19.wanna be an angel (新居昭乃)
Macross 7SEVENTH MOON(映像)
Fire Bomber 震撼銀河的Rock魂 熱気バサラ(福山芳樹)與 銀河之可愛歌姬 ミレーヌ・ジーナス(チエ・カジウラ)登場~
20.PLANET DANCE (福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
21.Burning Fire (福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
22.MY FRIENDS (チエ・カジウラ) (中途撻Q)
22.5.MY FRIENDS (チエ・カジウラ) 2回目
23.REMEMBER 16 (福山芳樹)
24.PILLOW DREAM (チエ・カジウラ)
25.弾丸ソウル (福山芳樹)
26.Dynamite Explosion (福山芳樹)
27.ANGEL VOICE (福山芳樹)
28.HOLY LONELY LIGHT (福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
特別嘉賓聲優バサラ 神奈延年 與 聲優 ミレーヌ 櫻井智登場, 4人合唱
29.LIGHT THE LIGHT (神奈延年&櫻井智&福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
Encore 1
Fire Bomber + 銀河之妖精 シェリル・ノーム(May'n)合唱
Encore 2
傳說之歌姬 リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理) 與 超時空灰姑娘 ランカ・リー (中島愛)登場
31.天使の絵の具 (飯島真理&中島愛)
32.息をしてる 感じている (飯島真理&福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ&May'n&中島愛)
Macross監督河森 正治的花籃
會場外面的投射燈Macross Crossover Live 09,45,59 I Love Macross
會場買的Goods左上至右起Support Set, Macross Live會場Pass,左上Macross F劇場版宣傳單張, Macross Live KIRA袋第2行左起演唱會場刊,中間F魂門卷,T-shirt與電話蠅,右Poster Set(5張)
但是既然一場來到~就八掛一下用一些偏門的方法~看看還有沒有這個一連兩天銀河系最大級演唱會Macross Crossover的票~
最後~居然讓在下在一間"大黑屋"(這是店名)裡找到了Oct 18, 星期日的門票~~~
那在下當然不會錯過能一睹與親耳聽在下的瘋狂迷戀的動畫作品~與在下最喜愛的歌姬~林明美(飯島 真理)的真人演出~(福山,May'n與中島 愛這些還是當打之年,所以聽的機會多的是~~但是飯島 真理會再做明美的機會絕對會是一次一次的小,因為某程度上飯島不太喜歡背著Macross 林明美的名宇表演~只是近年可能思想越來越成熟,所以跟明美和解~
傳說之歌姬 リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)
震撼銀河的Rock魂 熱気バサラ(福山芳樹)
(左起)超時空灰姑娘 ランカ・リー(中島愛), 銀河之妖精 シェリル・ノーム(May'n), 銀河之可愛歌姬 ミレーヌ・ジーナス(チエ・カジウラ)
シェリル的cos~ (其實現場還有3個ランカ跟4~5個シェリル,不過在下當時正在排隊沒有拍到)
會場內(在下沒有任何zoom in下與舞台的位置,size大概是香港博覽館開一半台左右)
由Macross F的銀河之妖精 シェリル・ノーム(May'n)開始
1.ノーザンクロス (May'n)
2.射手座☆午後九時Don't be late (May'n)
3.pink monsoon (新曲) (May'n)
超時空灰姑娘 ランカ・リー(中島愛)登場
4.そうだよ (新曲)
(中島愛)5.アナタノオト (中島愛)
6.星間飛行 (中島愛)
Surprise May'n的20歲Happy birthday to You 嘉賓聲優シェリル(遠藤綾)登場
7.ダイアモンドクレバス50/50 (May'n&中島愛)
8.トライアングラー (May'n&中島愛)
9.ライオン (May'n&中島愛)
傳說之歌姬 リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)
10.エコーズ (飯島真理)
11.好きと言えない (飯島真理)
12.Twinkles (飯島真理)
真正リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)演唱!!! (髮型更是特別製造出動畫リン・ミンメイ的髮型~pQ[]Qq 感動~~~)
13.私の彼はパイロット (飯島真理)
14.0-G Love (飯島真理)
15.ランナー (飯島真理)
16.シンデレラ (飯島真理)
[MC]因可有記起愛作曲人加藤和彥老師在Oct 16日中因病自殺,飯島對這名恩師的感謝與祝福~
17.愛・おぼえていますか (飯島真理) (在下最感動的一刻,終於可以現場聽到真人明美自彈自唱的愛・おぼえていますか,同場更來個愛・おぼえていますか大合唱~)
特別嘉賓Macross Plus:
18.VOICES (新居昭乃)
19.wanna be an angel (新居昭乃)
Macross 7SEVENTH MOON(映像)
Fire Bomber 震撼銀河的Rock魂 熱気バサラ(福山芳樹)與 銀河之可愛歌姬 ミレーヌ・ジーナス(チエ・カジウラ)登場~
20.PLANET DANCE (福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
21.Burning Fire (福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
22.MY FRIENDS (チエ・カジウラ) (中途撻Q)
22.5.MY FRIENDS (チエ・カジウラ) 2回目
23.REMEMBER 16 (福山芳樹)
24.PILLOW DREAM (チエ・カジウラ)
25.弾丸ソウル (福山芳樹)
26.Dynamite Explosion (福山芳樹)
27.ANGEL VOICE (福山芳樹)
28.HOLY LONELY LIGHT (福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
特別嘉賓聲優バサラ 神奈延年 與 聲優 ミレーヌ 櫻井智登場, 4人合唱
29.LIGHT THE LIGHT (神奈延年&櫻井智&福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ)
Encore 1
Fire Bomber + 銀河之妖精 シェリル・ノーム(May'n)合唱
Encore 2
傳說之歌姬 リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理) 與 超時空灰姑娘 ランカ・リー (中島愛)登場
31.天使の絵の具 (飯島真理&中島愛)
32.息をしてる 感じている (飯島真理&福山芳樹&チエ・カジウラ&May'n&中島愛)
Macross監督河森 正治的花籃
會場外面的投射燈Macross Crossover Live 09,45,59 I Love Macross
會場買的Goods左上至右起Support Set, Macross Live會場Pass,左上Macross F劇場版宣傳單張, Macross Live KIRA袋第2行左起演唱會場刊,中間F魂門卷,T-shirt與電話蠅,右Poster Set(5張)
Final Fantasy XIII~~~~ Dec 17~~~~~ 79 days to go~~~~~
Final Fantasy XIII finally annoy the released date!!
Dec 17!!!! 79 more days to go!!!XDD
recently i have drawing FAKE Final Fantasy XIII concept art~XDDDD
pretty much for practice~(Actually is for the LOVE!XD)
New Trailer is UP on the offical Final Fantasy XIII site~
take a look everybody!XD
KO LV1 and 2 in a year~~XD
(even though i think i can pass this on is purely by luck.....)
BUT PASS is a PASS!!!!
i think is time to have another challenge for japan agian!XD
at work....
unlimited texture work again......
still battling with the TOM and JERRY MMo~
(i just knew today, they still haven't got a name for this game yet~XD
since all the name like Tom and Jerry online, Tom and Jerry webgame ...etc
already been taken away~XDDD
still have a lot to roll....
but there maybe something cool after this Tom and Jerry mmo~~
i don't know is it confirm yet~
let's see~
Good Luck and Enjoy the Full Moon this week~XD
Sing Con,Annual Dinner, Japanese LV Test ...etc
ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版 破: Asuka
a lot of new experinece happen during Aug~
During early Aug~
i have went to ACG Singing Contest in HK~XD
a lot of new experinece happen during Aug~
During early Aug~
i have went to ACG Singing Contest in HK~XD
Well~ at least need to stand on the stage 1 time in my life~XDDD
it's kind of fun~
knew more people in HK playing this~
and realize that there is not much male ACG singer in Hong Kong for some unknown~
(for single singer, only have 3 males, all other are girls~)
and i even did a FAKE Cosplay for the contest~
unfortuately didn't got any prizes
but it's still fun to play~XDD
then finally my studio having a Annual Dinner last Friday~
suppose this 10th Anniversay Dinner is held on last Nov~
because of some busniness problem or some other stuff~
it's been delay and delay until last friday~
and we went to Ocean Park for this event~
this is pretty fun~XD
everybody was drunk~
and is also god damn hot~
(we were having some outdoor activities during 2:00- 4:30 pm......)
and lastly~
finally complete this damn thing~
even though i always thought i will fail~
but still is not safe~
since i haven't got the paper yet~
i hope everything go smooth~
right now i can totally focus on my drawing and other stuff~
and maybe is time for another plan~~~
well anyway~
good luck and have fun everybody~XDDD
It's been a year.....
Demanbane~ MasterTherion and Etheldreda~
well this drawing is for the celebration of Nitro+ 10 anniversary~XDD
It's been a year......
i have worked in my studio in a year already...........
start from storyboard artist> become a concept artist> costume design> texture artist> and back to concept artist......
from Hello Kitty> Ben 10> Tom and Jerry....
everything is cool~
new experience, since the studio work like western style~
so is kind of free.....
but here come up another question....
what should i do next??
still want to work in japan.............
but i don't really think i have improve at all..............
maybe knowledge side, i knew more than before~
but i don't think my skill had improve at all................
not much time to digest???
i found out is kind of borning to just keep drawing concept art.....
i really want to do something can move........
well this drawing is for the celebration of Nitro+ 10 anniversary~XDD
It's been a year......
i have worked in my studio in a year already...........
start from storyboard artist> become a concept artist> costume design> texture artist> and back to concept artist......
from Hello Kitty> Ben 10> Tom and Jerry....
everything is cool~
new experience, since the studio work like western style~
so is kind of free.....
but here come up another question....
what should i do next??
still want to work in japan.............
but i don't really think i have improve at all..............
maybe knowledge side, i knew more than before~
but i don't think my skill had improve at all................
not much time to digest???
i found out is kind of borning to just keep drawing concept art.....
i really want to do something can move........
Japanese Test LV 1....._|TO
haven't been drawing this month......
have to study the Japanese LV 1 test for this Sunday.......
i totally don't think i can pass this time....
even i already prepare studying during this last few months~
(during the transportation time.....)
lots of things happen this month~
The King of Pop Michael Jackson had gone~
Well, I first knew him from a old game of Sega Mega Drive~
then is from the other MJ- Michael Jordan~
They have shoot a MTV- JAM together~
around the early 90s~
i am not a crazy fans of him~
but i always think he is one of the most entertaining artist and singer of all time~
( i am not talking about his news and stuff~)
( i am not talking about his news and stuff~)
His Music and Dance are always entertaining~
even though i never have a chance to look at his live~
but wish him rest in peace~
and WISH the OTHER MJ be Healthy...(-人-)
I am still his greatest fans~
also at work~
we finally move to another place~
instead of spread into 2 floors~
right now the whole studio together in 1 floor~
right now the whole studio together in 1 floor~
back for the study~
back for the study~
wish you guys good luck~XD
and have fun~
It's Been 3 YEARS!!!!
It's Been the 3 YEARS!!!
This film is created by ME(Leslie Chan), Bora Moon, Jessie Lam and Johannes Uy~
and it's our FIRST BABY!XD
and it's our FIRST BABY!XD
Times passed~
we start from an INNOCENT student and became a WIRED Artist, Animator, illustrator, designer...etc in differenet studio~~
i guess i am ok.....
working at wired project doing unlimited texture and wired concept art...
i have drew all the characters in the film+my 4th year film characters+ their main character of their 4th years film~XD
(Lucifer+Jessie's girl in the bus, Artemis+Bora's Little Girl,Odin+ Johannes's Elephant~)
(Lucifer+Jessie's girl in the bus, Artemis+Bora's Little Girl,Odin+ Johannes's Elephant~)
but anyway~
WISH You guys all best of luck~XD
WISH You guys all best of luck~XD
and enjoy~XD
(suppose i was planning to do this last year but i miss the day.......
i will do another on the 5th anniversary~XDD
have been drawing a lot of Maross stuff recently......
(i guess because there is nothing happen during Feb.....
that's why i drew alot of Macross stuff just to fulfill my desire.....XD
Base on the anime~
during March~ It's the first time that Macross Transform during battle~~XDDDD
during March~ It's the first time that Macross Transform during battle~~XDDDD
April 1.
I went to see 張國榮 有心人共唯 晚會~
this is the first i finally got a chance to see this concert in Hong Kong~
this is the first i finally got a chance to see this concert in Hong Kong~
during the pass 5 years i was out of Hong Kong~
last year i finally in Asia~
but i was in Japan.... so i never got a chance to see this rememberable events.
last year i finally in Asia~
but i was in Japan.... so i never got a chance to see this rememberable events.
this already the 6th year after Leslie is gone.
but there is still a lot of fans looking attenting to this concert.
unfortuately is weekday, so i only can arrive an hour early before the concert start~
that's why i cannot got a seat.
so i only can standing outside of the from the stage~
the show beginning with Leslie humming the song 紅~
the whole purpose of this concert is talking about the work(movie, song, stage performance) he create during his career as a singer, actor and a superstar.
so most of the song sing during this concert are wrote by Leslie~
the guest of the event is 林憶蓮 and 倫永亮~
the sung 2 of the Leslie beautiful pieces 有心人 and 當愛而成往事
there is also a lot of unpublish footage, clip and interview during the concert~
i am very glad that i still have a chance to see some new and old interview Leslie~
overall the concert is great~
next year i should take a dayoff to enter this event~
overall the concert is great~
next year i should take a dayoff to enter this event~
at work~
unlimited texture....
after the Hello Kitty....
this time is Ben 10 from Cartoon Network~
my studio was working a MMORPG for this~
am i going toward to become a texture artist???????
i have no idea........
don't think i have been improve during this pass 2 years......
i realize that is kind of bore to just KEEP DRAWING....
maybe because there is not much story involve???
or they don't move???
i want to do some animation~~\Q[]Q\
even i haven't done that for years..........
i want to do some animation~~\Q[]Q\
even i haven't done that for years..........
watch バスカッシュ! Basquash!~
I highly recommented~
this is one of the great anime for april~
no matter is the style and the animation everything is high level~
but just wonder can they keep the quality~
this anime is talking about Basketball~
which the main character controlling ROBOT called BIG FOOT to play Basketball~
the style look very western~
because the original story and concept was created by a white guy~
who is working with Kawamori Shōji(河森正治 FATHER of the Macross series and Genesis of Aquarion)
so the style is kind of like western animation~
but is done by the REAL ANIME ANIMATOR~
not the western fake anime style~
enjoy and good luck everybody~\@W@
329 御宅族巡遊~~
Long time no see~
haven't up for awhile again~
other than just purely working and working~
there is some cool stuff happen during this month~~
like for example Bio Hazrad 5 (Resident Evil 5) release~
it's a very cool game~
it's a very cool game~
fun to play~ lot's of actions~
but is not scare anymore.....
but is not scare anymore.....
u feel nevrous(since u are surrounded by enemies~
but uwon't feel scare like before~
this one pretty much is more like 4.5 instead of 5~
without the original director of the series~ 三上真司~
the storyline become more and more wired~
one of my favourite Villian in the whole video game industry~~
one of my favourite Villian in the whole video game industry~~
Albert Wesker~
right now just became a normal big boss~=3=
he was suppose a great Villian with depth~~
just totally ruined the whole character~
in Bio 5 he just become one of the big boss who just want to take over the world level~~
during last Sunday~ March 29
i have been to 329 御宅族巡遊~
this thing happen become one of the major channel in HK~
was talking about what is 港男 and 港女~
and they identify 電車男 Densha Otoko (which in HK mean Otaku to them~)
as 港男~
(like for example: low educated, low pay, don't care about look, no girlfriend, like anime and play video game, never go out....etc)
which made the ACG fans in HK think, that channel mislead the audience about the word of Otaku~
so some ACG fan planned to step out and tried to tell the people the real meaning of otaku and not all otaku have communication problem, only watch anime, don't work...etc
well, even though i don't think i have the knowledge to become an otaku~
i guess i only reach to the mania level~
but i also disagree about what the major channel in HK was misleading audience about the image of ACG fans~
so i joined this protest~~
well there is a lot of noise happen in HK forum about this event~
some people disagree about some people agree about it~
(this arguement is very complicated~ i don't really understand what are they really talking about....)
at last like a group around 30ish people attented the events~
(this arguement is very complicated~ i don't really understand what are they really talking about....)
at last like a group around 30ish people attented the events~
this kind of a good experience~
no matter at last what have been change~
i think that if after this protest, if people can have a good look at the acg fans~
this is already a good thing about this protest~
good luck and enjoy~XD
good luck and enjoy~XD
Macross Lynn Minmay
if the plan(?) is right~
During Feb 2009~
A our space force called "Zentradi" will attack our Earth this month~
then a SUPER IDOL/SINGER/ACTOR called Lynn Minmay will step up~
ans use SONG to stop the war between the whole universe......
Will Zentradi attack Earth during this month????
i am looking forward to see a real Minmay!pO[]Oq
had been busy working on unlimited texture during these day....
i am SO REGRET that i have designed such a diffcult room/costume..... that take me forever and ever to finish all the texture....orz
(the boss told me that the other studio in China is working on those~~pQ[]Qq
so i just drew what ever is look cool~~
but at last...................
it come back to me...............orz
have been keep drawing Macross stuff lately...........
and had finish a lot of Macross anime during last month and this month~
Start from
Macross Plus> Marcoss 7> Macross 7 the Movie>Macross 7 Dyminate OVA>Macross: Do You Remember Love?>Macross FlashBack 2012>Macross II.....
right now is in the middle watching Macross II....
(well over some time period i will listen to the Macross song again~
i really love this series more than Gundam~ hope it's still goes on and turn out good~
bought Macross ACE recently and see Haruhiko Mikimoto(美樹本 晴彥) one of my favourite artist and character designer~ drawing the comic version of Macross The First~(the original comic version of Macross just like Gundam Origin)
this already made me crazy~
since Haruhiko Mikimoto(美樹本 晴彥) using the style right now to re-draw Minmay~
this already good enough to bought this magazine~
even though other than Macross the First, 65% of the magazine is Macross Frontier related comic and story~ and only ONE for Macross 7~
well i knew right now Macross Frontier is a hit~
but i still think there are still so many things can be change into comic~
instead of just talk about Macross Frontier again and again~
i really wanted to see the Maximilian Jenius's Family~
he got 7 daughters man~~
we only knew 3 of them~
the eldest Komilia in the first Macross (still is a young baby~)
and somewhere at the middle daughter Emilia from Macross 7 the movie
and the youngest Mylene (also is the main Heroin in Macross 7~)
if there is a Jenius's Family comic will be alot of fun to watch~
hope somebody come up with the plan of this~
i hope there really somewhere on the earth~
there is a REAL Lynn Minmay~~
let look forward to......
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