
I am in Japan!\@[]@/

The bass of the band~
i findally finish all the band members~XD
(even though i still haven't figure out what kind of name they are..._TO)

i am in Japan, right now~

this is the first time i came to Japan not as a tourist, but as a student.
i will study Japanese in a school called ARC Academy Japanese Laguage School Shibuya School.
today i went to Shibuya to take a look where do i study.
is in the 4th floor~

when i try to use the elevator to get there.
the elevator told me that they can't reach to that floor....@W@

(because is Sunday everything closed???)

The black building is where i study tomorrow~

right now i am living in a place called J-Dream.
is in Fujimidai (富士見台)

the room is actually is better than i thought~
they have everything a person needed for living~
here are the pics of the room i am living~

kitchen(they even got a little kitchen)

cupboard on the side

cupboard beside the enternce(i guess is for shoes)


TV and refrigerator (oh my god they even got a frig!XD)


the bed

table and computer~

is actually a very good room~
i check it today to cleaner is at the 3F~

they really got everything for bacis needed~

is a very cool dormotory!


Back to Hotel again..._|TO

The second guiter of the band.
Still no name yet....@W@
almost the whole band is completed~XD
(even though a lot of name haven't decided yet....)

all sisters back from Taiwan...
because of the limited space in the house of HK~
(can fit 7 people in there~XD)

so once again i am moving to the hotel again..._TO


Back from Hotel...

Vocal of band~~
for some unknown reason....
i feel like i am drawing a japanese star call Oikawa Mitsuhiro (及川光博)....@W@
still cannot find a good name for this character....

back from the hotel recently...
because all the people at home are going to Taiwan~
so i finally can go back home...

but they will come back soon...

final count down for the Road to Japan Part II
need to prepare.

have fun everybody~\@W@


Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core- Aerith Gainsbrough

Aerith Gainsbrough from Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core~Aerith is one of my favourite character in the whole Final Fantasy series~(maybe i guess because she died at the half way point of the game and no way can make her alive again~XD)
the Crisis Core fulfil my wish of having one more chance to see Aerith~and talk about the relationship between Zack and Aerith~

but is kind of............

Not Enough?XD

(maybe because the focus point is on the AGS (Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth) so the love/friend relationship of Aerith is kind of like a sub plot....even though i am very surprise that i can see the human side of Sephiroth, not just a ultrimate killing machine~)

well, but i can still see more little scene while Zack used Limit Break during the game~(randomly~)

from Crisis Core we realized that at the beginning Aerith is a innocent girl with somekind of sad mind.

After she meet Zack~
she started to change to a more bright side person~
and a girl fulls of wired idea~ (everything becasue of Zack~XD)


Family Portrait today~

Its become more and more obvious what band i am referencing in the story.XD
(for the people who love J-Rock alot~)

they reunion!XD

today, my family reunion for a family portrait~
i think last time 8 (Dad, Mom, 5 sister and myself) of us meeting in the same place is around 5, 6 years ago....
well i got a very BIG family....and also some of the members living in different part of the world~ (well usually is HK and Canada), so is kind of difficult for all 8 of us meeting together~

3 more members have joined this huge group~XD
(so right now is 12 members already!XD)

my 5th brother in law and nephew.

and my 3th sister baby girl (well she is 3 years old right now~~

so far out of the 6 children of the Chan's family~
only 2 have been married and have childs~
(my 3rd and 5th sisters~)

long long time ago some 相師 mention before to my parents~
all the kids in the family will have a late marriage~

i guess if all my sister married like normal people~
i guess the family portrait will become as huge as one of the drama in HK called "真情"~

(one of the longest drama in HK tv history~XD)

that will be cool~XD
like 30 something members crowd together to take a family portrait!XDDD

this is actually very fun when there is that much members in the family!XD


Back from Macau

the main heroine in the story.
other than she is a chinese girl~
nothing have been decided yet....
the bandages on her left forehead is her symbol~
(the colour and pattern will change in every episode~XD)

a lot of things happen during this pass week~

Batman is coming to HK~
for shooting in the latest Batman movie.

the legendary J-rock band X-Japan reunion!
other than hide. Yoshiki(Dr.piano.), Toshi (vocal), Pata (G.), and Heath (B.) are back!
they will release a new single called "I.V."
also is the theme song of the movie SAW4.

been to Macau yetersdayand live in the Venetian hotel~
really that's what we called "HOTEL"~
is so beautiful and big!XD
haven't been there for at least 15 years i guess~
they changed a lot~ ( or i don't even remember how it look before....)
they really trying to make Macau into a Asia Los Vegas`
lots of Casino...

received the ticket of Luna Sea God Bless You "One Night Dejavu"~
finally have a chance to take a look of 5 of them performing in live once again!
so looking forward at the X'mas Eve in Japan!


Let's start some work~

Trying the style of "It's a Wonderful World"~
from Square-Enix NDS Game~
i really think this kind of style is so MUSIC like~

this character is actually a character which i have developed long time ago....
is a story about Rock and Love~

the people who know J-Rock alot~
for sure know who is this character reference from....

i really like this Guitarist~
he is a legend~XD

during this last few months....
I am keep failing and failing and failing for the job searching in Japan.....
(Xebec is the most coolest one~
he send me back the WHOLE THING~ even the resume...._TO)

so I used the same portfolio for Xebec and send it to Square again~XD
(well~ they said they are using never give up system~
I won't~ and I don't want to give up the dream of working in SQUARE~XD)

I will went to Japan again at the end of Nov.
for a short Japanese course~

at have another try again for the job searching~
while the person is in Japan.

maybe at last i need to go for plan B or plan D............_TO