
Still rolling in Japan~

haven't updated for awhile again~
this is a character base on my friend story~
(i want to build some portfolio stuff~
but i am lazy to think everything from sketch~ it take too much time for me to build a setting and design. So i take his story and start draw stuff from there~XDDD)
this character called Ursa~
it's a fantasy type of story~
(i wonder is there a name for this story~XDDD)
this character actually have built long time ago~XD
he SUPPOSE to be appear as a narrator/final boss in a NIGHTMARE GAME~
(the game is not called nightmare, but the WHOLE Proess of try to build this game is a NIGHTMARE to ME, if people know me, they know what i am talking about~)
then right now transform into his own story main character~
He is kind of a grey type character~
not Dark and cold tpye, he has some funny side~
he like the type of person who is not in the Black or White~
always in the grey zone~
those type of characters
by the way, i found out that when i colour~
my stuff feel so OILY~
Oily not as like oil paint~
just think of Food~

those kind of OILY~

i think is too much, or too much contract????
i don't know~
let try something light for the female character next time~
for me right now?
i am still rolling in japan~
working(actually still training) in a small anime studio in Japan~
Totally different man~
i found out Anime and the stuff i learn in Sheridan~
is totally different~
not just because they shoot by 3~
and crazy clean up line and stuff~
just the way i know how to animate totally not fit into anime~
i believe we share the same element though~
like so far i have done walk and run cycle~
it's give me a feeling that~
people should run/ walk this way~
other way is wrong~
(i try the Sheridan way at the beginning~
the boss said i am wrong..........OwO)
i totally need to re-learn the whole ANIME animate style again~
and also some wired manner/culture problem~
also made myself in somekind of trouble~
i should later wrote a book called:

The TRUE Animator Survival Kit for Foreigner in JAPAN~
not just the drawing~
there is actually alot of normal stuff (working harbit?) you thought is normal~
but at the point of view of Japanese~
You are being RUDE~
just make a sound from your mouth while working~
it already can made u in trouble~

as i mention before~
i am trying to build another portfolio~
1: is my old one kind of need some updated~
2: i still looking for a way to get into gaming~
(so far i only got interview from Animate studio~
but game company? ZERO! i wonder why~
the cloest one i can get is the KONAMI school~
but i fail on the interview..._TO
i believe i answer something bad~
i think my communcation skill is fine~
just lack of interview experience and skill~)
My ultimate goal is still SQUARE~
all the things i do and work~
is for reaching this goal man~
wish me good luck~
Japan is always COOL~

even though u will found a lot of wired part about after living in here more than 2 months~
have fun everybody~\@[]@/

7 則留言:

mytabo 說...


Leslie Chan 說...







Gojulas Omega 說...



日本好,買很多東西都很方便(特別是Zoids XD),加油啊!

mytabo 說...

我只覺得這幅畫個mood set得個好﹐

匿名 說...

(記唔記得上年一月左右你教過一個係ANIMATION PORTFOLIO WORKSHOP讀緊GE香港男仔畫perspective ge?)
你E家係日本真係好喇~我意為你唔會咁快去日本TIM~~我E家係vancouver film school讀緊2D~都OK.
我想問你一大堆野~可以GE話或者比你個EMAIL我~~OR PHONE NO~~

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celulite, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://eliminando-a-celulite.blogspot.com. A hug.